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2. Letters/Messages
Voices of People Who Have Taken Hoju Tamogitake
Here are some of the letters of gratitude we received from long time diabetics and cancer patients all over Japan soon after Hoju Tamogitake went on sale:
  • Mr. H (Shizuoka Prefecture): His blood sugar level dramatically decreased from over 600 to around 100.
  • Mr. I ( Aichi Prefecture): His blood pressure decreased from 200 to 130.
  • Mr. H ( Tokyo): His metastatic liver cancer disappeared.
  • Mr. H (Aichi Prefecture) a diabetic patient: His hemoglobin AIC decreased from 7.4 to 4.7 and two months later reached at normal level.
  • Mr. T (Chiba Prefecture): The metastatic stomach cancer that had spread after a surgical operation had disappeared.
  • Mr. K (Kagoshima Prefecture) and Mr. S (Aichi Prefecture): They had had leukopenic, white blood cell counts recovered to the normal level.
  • Mr. S (Aichi Prefecture): After taking the mushrooms for a diet purpose his blood pressure decreased.
  • Another Mr. S ( Aichi Prefecture), who had a cancer operation a year ago, became able to exercise and jog. Also his white blood cell counts were improved to the normal level a few months after starting to use Hoju Tamogitake
  • Mr. O ( Tokyo): He had been taking all kinds of health foods along time to overcome hypertension without sufficient results. However, his pressure decrease dramatically with taking Hoju Tamogitake.
  • Mr. Y ( Aichi Prefecture) had a diabetes, his hemoglobin AIC count went up to 10 and experiencing vision insuficiencies; that count drop to 7 only one month after he started to use the product.
  • Mr. N (Mie Prefecture) who had been unable to sleep well due to mental problems reported that he became now sleeping normally by Hoju Tamogitake mushrooms.
  • Mr. K (Tokyo): The pain that usually occured a day after drinking alcohol due to his hardening of the liver has now disappeared.
  • Mr. K (Gifu Prefecture): He could not work before due to asthma, but his condition improved with taking the product for six months and is now holding a steady job.
  • Mr. K (Aichi Prefecture): The side effects caused by chemotherapy disappeared after starting to use the product.
  • It brought the people quick recovery from eye strain stiffness in the shoulders and headaches caused by computer monitering.
We have been receiving a lot of thanks letters from Hoju Tamogitake users in Japan. Lots of users are reporting remarkable effects in a short period of time usually 1~2 months. We believe Hoju Tamogitake mushrooms will protced your health as all-around health foods. We are continuously receiving lots of messages of gratitude from the users.
If you have chronic illnesses or just want to keep healthy life, this product can be safely taken by all generations. We recommend to continously take this product over a long time, for your health. We believe this product must be available for recovering from many kinds of chronic diseases and for protecting you healthy.
That is why we encourage you to try Hoju Tamogitake mushrooms that bring you everyday a healthy condition. We welcome to receive letters or mails from users of Hoju Tamogitake mushrooms to introduce your comments and this promissing products to lots of peoples who are worried about chronic diseases.

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