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How to Take Hoju Tamogitake ]

4. Messages from Field Experts

  It is generally said that maximum life span of the human can achieve is approximately 120 years. However, few have reached that age. Why is that? It is said that white mice normally live about 2 years. A hairless mouse will die within 3 months, even when raised under normal conditions. The reason is that the hairless mouse has very little immunity against viruses and bacteria leading to its early death from the invasion of an organism. However, if a white mouse and a hairless mouse are raised in a germ free room, they will both live for 3 years. Humans beings are neighther excepted because we are exposed to many organisms. Since humans can not spend all their lives in a germ free room like the mice, we need to make our bodies strong enough to fight disease-causative invaders by enhancing immunological potencies. When a normal immune system works the way it should, even cancer will not develop in most people. It can be done because even if the cancer cells develop, the body can recognize as foreign substances and eliminate them. However, the immune system weakens little by little as we age. However, in some cases, the immune system becomes oversensitive, which may cause rheumatism, atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergies or collagen diseases and other disabilities. Under these environments, it seems difficult to obtain the full scale of a life span. The polysaccharides contained in agarics and tamogi mushrooms are said to normalize the an immune system become unusual by age or disease, and to protect the body from various infections and cancer, and to control an oversensitive immune system. Tamogi mushrooms contain 2 to 3 times more polysaccharides than agarics mushrooms. Furthermore, they contain many effective ingredients that we need to keep healthy. Lots of users have been reporting on their effectiveness against cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Hoju tamogi mushrooms are promissing food for keeping healthy conditions and strengthen one's body to overcome verous chronic diseases.
Dr. Osamu Ogawa Ph.D.
Expert in the research
of pharmaceuticals

  Our surronding environment is awash with dioxin, chemical fertilizers, artificial food additives, antibiotics, and chemicals such as hormones which gradually accumulats in our bodies. A vicious crime rate in the younger generation are rapidly increasing, which may be caused by food being taken everyday. Foods play an important role in our physical and mental conditions.
I easily expect from components of Hoju Tamogitake mushrooms that these will potentiate immune system. A potentiated immune system may lead you healthy and protect you from external factors such as viruses, bacteria, etc. When Hoju Tamogitake mushrooms are taken with single molecule water, they have shown effectiveness in recovering both mental and physical health.
A single molecule water (activated mineral water) is activated mineral water, does not have clusters of molecules, promotes to produce minus ions which are easily absorbed and which has SOD like characteristics in the body, and has a power of degrading 97% of dioxin as an antidotal.

Dr. Yasukuni Fujimoto M.D.
Health Improvement Institute

  I would like to recommend that people take mushroom products every five days. The reasons as follows: Cancer patients taken mushrooms called kawaratake every day showed good results in the first and second time treatments. However after that no more improvement was observed. I was so disappointed because I heard it was a great mushroom. We know similar cases, when we have a coffee, tobacco, or alcohol. The first time we drink coffee, it is impossible to sleep, but after drinking it for a long time, we can not sleep without it. The body gets used to it, just like it gets used to tobacco and alcohol. Crestin, the kawaraketake's constituents was launched as a cancer treatment drug in Japan, but the side effects were relatively high and therapeutic benefits were relatively small. I understood that natural products with no chemical modulation potential are the best for the human health.
Because the Hoju Tamogitake mushroom is good food, I would certainly like to see it established. I recommend that patient do not take it every day, but every five days or once a week at a dose of fifteen grams each time, which produces better results than taking it every day.

Dr. Yoshishige Ito
Norimasa Rakuishi Institute

[Hoju Tamogitake's Properties ] [ Letters/Messages ] [ Case Reports ] [ Messages from Field Experts ]
How to Take Hoju Tamogitake ]